Whilst experiencing uncertain times, as a business owner, you may need to drum up motivation and focus to work more ‘on the business’.
Uncertain times could represent an opportunity for you to spend time setting strategies or catching up on those ‘tasks’ you haven’t got around to.
You may look at ‘doing things differently’ such as planning alternative processes to trial in the short term. These trials may achieve the same or better results more efficiently or at a lower cost for your business.
Or should you target different sectors during this time of uncertainty?
Ways to spend time effectively ‘on your business’ in a quiet business period
> Revise or set up templates for better efficiency and a more consistent professional look
> Get your file management in order to reduce valuable time spent locating documents you often need quickly
> Sort out your inbox and decide on a new approach to handle your emails
> Conduct an overhaul of your processes for improved operations
> Update or draft a library of procedures for your business, for example a policy and procedures manual or customer service procedures
> Start considering new target markets to approach when the time is right
> Conduct competitor research to see where you currently sit in the market compared to your competitors to assist in strategic decisions – have there been any changes in what or how they offer their products or services or in pricing?
If you’d like to trial On Point Support services across administration and business operations and marketing to see if it’s a fit for you, then we’d be happy to hear from you.
Support can be provided from one task to one of our bundled services packages or on a project or ongoing basis.
If you’re considering plans but not sure you’re ready to proceed, feel free to reach out for a discussion.